Planning Resources
and Tools
The Road Inventory Office is part of the Long Range Planning Division at TDOT. The office manages and maintains TDOT’s road inventory using the Interactive TDOT Smartway program, Transportation Roadway Information Management System (TRIMS), and Electronic TRIMS (E-TRIMS), which is available online.
TDOT Smartway TDOT SmartWay: Home (tn.gov)
The TDOT Smartway program now replaces the Interactive Tennessee Road Improvement Program (iTRIP) application for a more comprehensive, authoritative, and live roadway project database of project activities. This update now serves as a valuable tool that is reliable, current, and easy to navigate for TDOT’s variety of customers. The accessible projects include a range of programs such as bridge, safety, resurfacing, and legislative information. The goal of this application is to provide a public-facing source for the user to access and review current roadway projects across the State of Tennessee.
On the program website, towards the bottom center of the page, there are additional links to future TDOT projects in the following three categories:
E-TRIMS was developed initially around the early 2000’s to compliment the TRIMS (tabular) database and give the user ability to export and view in a GIS format. E-TRIMS is TDOT’s main portal for transportation-related data. It is an Oracle and web-based platform that supports the easy retrieval of roadway information to assist in proper decision making. E-TRIMS compliments the TRIMS database. The RPO’s can use E-TRIMS data to help guide transportation project prioritization decisions as well as for identifying projects for various grants and studies. Some of E-TRIMS datasets are:
Highway (centerline geometry)
Road segments
Route features
Roadway descriptions
Roadway geometrics
Traffic counts and AADT
Maintenance features (signs)
Maintenance inventory (attenuators and guard rails)
PPRM projects
Crash data (with limited access)
To access E-TRIMS, you will need a username and password established by TDOT staff.
New resource: TDOT Transportation and Planning Resources (arcgis.com)
TDOT’s Long-Range Planning Division has created a terrific resource for local communities to utilize for data and mapping needs across the state for our MPO and RPO communities.
TDOT Transportation and Planning Resources (arcgis.com)
The ArcGIS-based program covers many categories of data in Transportation (including select demographic data, NEVI program, State-Aid); Functional Classification (including Travel Demand Modeling, SmartWay Traffic); Multimodal (includes greenways and recreational assets); ongoing TDOT projects; County and City-level profile data; Health & Safety (includes crash data and public health); Land Use and parcel data; and GIS datasets for local communities GIS programming needs, with room to provide additional resources!
As this program continues to evolve and grow as a reliable data source, there are data categories that have yet to be finalized, so please check back periodically for progress. In addition, you may likely encounter some errors. In some of the categories, there are opportunities provided for feedback on the data and contacts to submit. For any questions or to report any errors encountered not provided in a category, please contact Chris McPhilamy, GISP|Planning Manager in Long Range Planning at Chris.McPhilamy@TN.gov, or the RPO Coordinator for your region.
The Tennessee Traffic Information Management and Evaluation System (TN-TIMES) is an analytical, data processing tool used by TDOT to maintain, analyze, and report traffic data. The data in TN-TIMES is managed at a statewide level for all roadways on the Functional Classification System, as guided by FHWA. This data is reported annually to FHWA, as well as used for numerous data-driven transportation planning projects, research purposes, and innovative analysis of traffic patterns throughout the state of Tennessee. The RPO’s can also use TN-TIMES data to help guide transportation project prioritization decisions as well as for identifying projects for various grants and studies. TN-TIMES data includes:
General Traffic Volumes
Advanced Traffic Statistics
Quick Reports
Report Center
To access TN-TIMES, please:
TDOT’s SmartWay program provides up-to-date traffic information on our highway system. This system includes TN511, our HELP program and our Intelligent Transportation System. They help keep Tennessee traffic moving so motorists are safe and efficient in their travels. Learn more about the technology behind SmartWay.
An official Tennessee Transportation Map can be found here: 2023 Tennessee Transportation Map