
The RPO Coordinator periodically receives TDOT-generated reports to share with the communities.

For any reports related to area road projects affecting regular traffic circulation for Cheatham, Dickson, Houston, Humphreys, and Stewart Counties such as construction, resurfacing and striping, closures, bridge repair, etc., the RPO Coordinator shares the information with all county and municipal-level mayors, local administrators, road superintendents, and other contacts.

TDOT Region 3 Quarterly Project Status Reports

July 18, 2022 quarterly report

October 7, 2022 quarterly report

January 31, 2023 quarterly report

April 28, 2023 quarterly report

July 25, 2023 quarterly report

November 20, 2023 quarterly report

Additionally, other reports such as resurfacing projects to occur within a fiscal year cycle, TDOT will send a list of all projects to occur in the MTRPO region which includes the state route, locations between intersecting roadways, linear miles of road resurfacing involved, and the jurisdictions occurring in.


Tennessee Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)

The Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) is a multi-year budget document that schedules and funds transportation projects within a state. STIP’s are federally mandated documents and must be developed in cooperation with metropolitan planning organizations, regional transportation planning organizations, and public transit providers. It is a “fiscally constrained” document, which means that TDOT reasonably expects sufficient funds to be available with which to implement the proposed improvements as well as to operate and maintain the entire system. As a condition to receiving federal project funds, the STIP must list all regionally significant highway and public transit transportation projects proposed for funding under Title 23 U.S.C. (highways) and Title 49 U.S.C. (transit), as well as state and locally funded regionally significant transportation projects regardless of funding source. The STIP includes state and local roadway, bridge, bicycle, pedestrian, safety and public transportation (transit) projects. Project related activities are eligible for funding through FHWA and FTA; as such, the STIP must be in place for these agencies to authorize funding for projects. The STIP is developed every three years to provide a statewide listing of transportation projects covering a period of four years. These projects are consistent with the direction ultimately laid out in the 25-Year Policy Plan as well as the metropolitan transportation plans for which TDOT intends to provide funding.

The current STIP 2023-2026 report can be viewed here:

To view current STIP projects, please click the Tennessee STIP Project Viewer and use the filter option to view projects in your county

For more information about the Tennessee STIP program, including proposed amendments to the FY 2023-2026 STIP, please visit the webpage

iTRIP (Interactive Tennessee Road Improvement Program)

The older iTRIP program has been deactivated, and will be replaced with a new iTRIP version. More information to come.

The iTRIP mapping application provides access to a comprehensive, live roadway project database of project activities. The objective of the program is to maintain a dataset of focused information on TDOT roadway projects.