Who makes up RPO?

The Middle Tennessee RPO is made up of an Executive Board and a Technical Committee.

The Executive Board serves as a forum to make recommendations for multimodal transportation decisions in the RPO.

The Executive Board, comprised of all elected officials, has the responsibility for keeping the member governmental entities informed of the status and requirements of the transportation planning process, project prioritization, and helping to ensure meaningful public participation in the transportation planning process.

Executive Board

The RPO Executive Board is comprised of elected representatives from local governments. Voting members include county mayors, city mayors, two state legislative members, and a representative of the TDOT Long Range Planning Division (typically OCT staff member).

    • Establishment of the goals, priorities, and objectives for the transportation planning process

    • Review and approval of changes to identified long range transportation needs and recommendations as submitted by the Technical Committee

    • Review and approval of documents such as the bylaws, memoranda of understanding/ agreement, prospectus, and work programs governing the operation and procedure of this organization to include those recommended by the Technical Committee and staff

    • Review and approval of projects recommended for funding to TDOT which support and enhance rural transportation locally and regionally

    • Provide a forum for public participation in the rural transportation planning process

    • Make recommendations to the respective local and state governmental agencies regarding any necessary actions relating to the continuing transportation planning process


The Technical Committee provides technical expertise and is comprised of professional planners and engineers from local governments and development districts, and other modal transportation agencies as well as joint economic and community development board representatives, county road superintendents, development district directors, a citizen representative, federal highway administration representative, etc. The RPO Technical Committee is responsible for general review, guidance, and coordination of the multimodal transportation planning process for the RPO. The Technical Committee is also responsible for making recommendations to the RPO Executive Board regarding necessary actions related to transportation planning and project priorities.

    • Develop and prioritize suggestions for multimodal transportation projects which the RTPO believes should be funded by TDOT and included in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)

    • Submit recommendations for prioritized projects to the RPO Executive Board for review prior to submittal to TDOT for funding consideration

    • Make recommendations to the respective local, state, and federal governmental agencies and the RPO Executive Board regarding necessary actions relating to the continuing transportation planning process

    • Be responsible for the completion of all required transportation studies, plans, and programming recommendations required under state and federal law, and as requested by the RPO Executive Board

    • Provide transportation-related information to local governments and other interested organizations and persons undertake mutually agreed upon transportation related tasks to enhance transportation system development, coordination, and efficiency

    • Provide a forum for public participation in the rural transportation planning process

The RPO Technical Committee is comprised of voting members from local governments such as: County Highway Superintendents, county representatives chosen by the county mayor (e.g. planner, engineer or others interested in transportation issues), municipal representatives (one from each county), public transit representative, aviation representative, trucking representative, rail representative, bike/pedestrian representative, GNRC Executive Director, citizen representatives, and representatives of the TDOT Long Range Planning Division (typically OCT staff).

When does the RPO meet?

Generally, an RPO holds two meetings a year with their Executive Board and Technical Committee, one in the spring and one in the fall (see Figure 1 below from the RPO Manual). Additional meetings may be held as needed. Special meetings may be held to address specific issues only. The Executive Board and Technical Committee typically hold joint meetings.